Dear Friends of Tibet,
with this homepage of the Tibet Intergroup of the European Parliament, which has around 100 MEPs as members, we aim to intensify our contact with the national MPs, human rights activists, NGOs and also many young people who have committed themselves to the case of Tibet. We also want to provide up-to-date and comprehensive news on the political and human-rights situation there.
The internet is the ideal platform for this exchange of information and ideas. By providing background on our current activities we aim to give new impulses for raising awareness about the situation in Tibet, the cultural and religious repression, and the major human rights violations taking place there.
Furthermore, our goal is to be better connected so that we can work even more effectively. So please don't hesitate and use this opportunity to get in touch or to share your information with us. I hope we can really have an active dialogue here.
Let us keep following the peaceful way of the Dalai Lama together and work for our common values. In the words of His Holiness: "With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world."
Thomas Mann
President of the Tibet Intergroup